The project is funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, it aims at studying the “Humanitarian Corridors” model in order to be scaled up in Europe


    Based on the willingness to help millions of refugees who are fleeing war every day, the Humanitarian Corridors are based on the initiative of the civil society and represent an original example of sponsorship for potential beneficiaries of international protection and vulnerable people.

    The Humanitarian Corridors are a safe and legal programme of transfer and integration in Europe of vulnerable refugees such as minors, disabled people, persons with serious illnesses, single parents with minor children, persons with mental disorders, elderly people.

    The Humanitarian Corridors (case-study of the Human Corridor project) based on Memorandum of Understanding (or Protocols) signed with public authorities in charge, the Community of Sant’Egidio and other organizations in Italy and France:

    the Federation of Evangelic Churches in Italy and the Tavola Valdese (Waldensians Church), for the Protocol Lebanon – Italy;

    Episcopal Conference of Italy (CEI) for the Protocol Ethiopia – Italy;

    Episcopal Conference of France, Caritas France, Protestant federation of France and federation of Protestant Mutual assistance for the Protocol Lebanon – France.


    Aims at analysing, testing and improving the “humanitarian corridors” procedures in order to create a model that could be replicated in each Member States with refugees from all over the world.


    To grant the legal and safe entry and to support the integration pathways for:

    300 Syrians from Lebanon to France

    300 Syrians from Lebanon and 400 refugees from Ethiopia to Italy

    To support the management of the information flow related to the different phases of the project – from pre-departure to the end of the integration path of beneficiaries in Italy and France – through the development of a web-based platform that facilitates data processing, their matching and their storage.

    Publication of a Handbook with the guidelines for the implementation of the “Humanitarian Corridors” procedures in order to implement other experiences of humanitarian corridors in Europe.


    Identification and selection of the beneficiaries in the transit countries

    Identification of the hosting accommodations in the destination countries

    Preparation of the beneficiaries

    Transfer to destination countries

    Social inclusion and integration pathways in the EU countries of destination

    Duration of the integration pathways

    © 2019 Humanitarian Corridor